Heidi Quimby
Programming & Curriculum
Heidi Quimby is a middle school teacher in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She is currently teaching 6th grade Humanities at Anwatin Middle School.
Ms. Quimby has been a teacher for 14 years. During this time she has taught social studies to middle and high school students, reading intervention to middle school students, and was also a Literacy Specialist. For 5 years, she was a school counselor at the middle and high school levels in New York, North Carolina, and Minnesota.
Ms. Quimby is currently enrolled in: Frontlines of Justice PD online professional development series centered on educational, racial and social justice. The series is designed to: increase culturally relevant competencies and pedagogies, support reimagination and construction of instructional design, deepen understanding and practice of culturally responsive teaching, and transform teaching and curricula into culturally sustaining learning experiences for all students.
Ms Quimby graduated from SUNY College at Geneseo with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History/Secondary Education. She has also earned 2 Master’s Degrees. One from the University of Buffalo (Ed.M) in School Counseling and one from St. Mary’s University in Minnesota, Masters in Literacy Education.
The Ellicottville, New York native and her two children, John (17) and Paige (16) reside in Corcoran, Minnesota.