Help us continue the conversation

The Great Reset has reached nearly 700 participants through well over 100 conversations, with the sole goal of discovering community through conversation. However, we need your help to spread the word and bring the conversation to more people and communities worldwide. Currently, we have connected with participants from almost half of the United States and eight countries across the globe–and we hope to connect with more! 

While the pandemic forced ‘true’ community to be put on pause, The Great Reset has helped by facilitating conversation among your community of neighbors near or far, employees, or students. In order to fully engage the community, our goal is to keep monthly conversations and yearly series free. To continue to offer these opportunities, we rely on the generosity of sponsors, like you.

Make a one-time or recurring donation to help keep the conversation going.

Sponsor discussions

View our upcoming conversation topics and contact us if you would like to be a sponsor on a particular topic.

Bring TGR to you

Learn how you can bring The Great Reset Community Roundtables to your organization.

Share our mission

Click below to download a one-page overview to share with your organization or community.


Your donation helps us expand our reach to share the conversation with more individuals and communities. Click below to make a one-time donation, or consider signing up to make monthly contributions.

Conversation with mutual listening broadens our understanding of what it means to be human. We learn how others are different from us, the same as us, and most importantly why.

- TGR Team Member

Friends of The Great Reset